Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New Calling...

I'm sure that by now some of you have heard the rumor, or have spoken to Kyle and I about my future at AVCS. While I love teaching and feel that it's innately woven into my very being, after much prayer, Kyle and I decided that I would stay at home with Katelyn. In the back of my mind I've always wondered if it would be a possibility, but living in Southern California and with the increase of gas and groceries, etc., I didn't think it would be a possibility. But God is much greater than Kyle and I and he has blessed Kyle's business so greatly that we are able to live on one income. So, with that said, on July 1, I handed in my resignation to AVCS and will not be teaching 5th grade next year. This was an extremely difficult decision for me as I was torn between this surprising and overwhelming love for Katelyn, and my love for my students. I truly believe that God has called me to be a teacher, but I also feel that at this time in my life He has called me to teach my daughter about Him and all the other wonderful things life has to offer. 

To all the teachers and staff at AVCS, I love you all and I will NOT be a stranger. Katelyn and I will be visiting often. It has been an honor to work with all of you and hopefully in the future we will work together again. God is good!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah for staying home with Katelyn... this time is so precious and you are going to be SO thankful that you have been promoted to full time mommy!!! Give your sweet girl a kiss for me!

Palmer Family said...

Praise the Lord for being a stay at home mom! I'm so glad that worked out for you guys!