Saturday, June 21, 2008

1st Days at home

Kyle and I have been home since Wednesday and it feels like all the days and nights are starting to blend together. I think I've had 8 hours of sleep in the last 3 days, but surprisingly I still have a lot of energy. I'm not sure if I'm running on adrenaline, or my maternal instinct is keeping me going. Between the feedings and now having Katelyn hooked up to lights to help her pass the jaundice out of her body, I don't sleep because I don't want to leave her. It's so hard on her that she has to be hooked up and spend most of her time in the bassinet of her stroller. Praise Jesus for the stroller because she loves to sleep in the bassinet. It has been our life saver as we can't spend the whole day holding her. For now she is sleeping for a good portion of the day and night but as her jaundice level drops, she becomes more alert and stays awake more often and for longer periods of time. I love to sit next to her and just stare at her an awe. She is so beautiful!! I know every parent thinks their child is beautiful, and I don't want to brag, but she is the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen!

The process of becoming a parent is such an amazing journey and one that Kyle and I wouldn't trade for the world. I can't even begin to describe in words how amazing Kyle is as a daddy. He is so great with Katelyn and make sure to spend time holding her and talking to her. She loves to open her eyes and stare up at him. He works from the living room so he can help me take care of her and I think the sound of his voice is soothing to her. Also, my mom came in on Wednesday and is staying with us for 12 days. I don't know how I would've handled these first few days without her. I'm not going to lie, having a baby is an emotional experience and between Katelyn having to be hooked up to lights, and then my having trouble nursing her on one side, my mom has been a real encouragement. Last night I hit a breaking point and had a "boo hoo" crying moment, but I'm feeling much better today. I can attribute this to the genius invention of the breast pump and the nipple shield. I know this may sound strange but I would like to tip my hat to the person who invented the nipple shield because it has made the nursing process SO much easier and enjoyable for both myself and Katelyn.

I've been trying to take lot's of pictures of Katelyn everyday. Here are some more...

Katelyn's favorite place to sleep

Katelyn is 4 days old!
Isn't she cute!!??
I was trying to feel Katelyn with a bottle after pumping and she decided she wanted to help her mommy and she's holding onto the nipple of the bottle.
We have all these pretty, girly pacifiers for Katelyn and she chose the ugly one to suck on. Thankfully, I've been able to get her to enjoy the pretty ones.
Isn't she so adorable!! She was all cuddled up while I was getting ready yesterday.
Katelyn and her proud daddy spending some quality time together.
Katelyn with her Grandma cuddling together.
Poor Katelyn, she has to be hooked up to these lights. One light going up the front of her onesie and the other goes up the back of the onesie. Both lights are connected to the boxes you see on the counter. Doesn't she look cute sleeping in her stroller?
This is Katelyn's "I'm pooping" face. It's so cute, she furrows her brow and pouts her lips. 


Anonymous said...

My first born wouldn't sleep anywhere but the little car seat that clicked into the stroller for like a month! We tried everything and it was really worrying at first but then we realised that it was because they are cuddled up in there better.

I, like you, lost sleep coz I chose to watch him for hours and's amazing and you are doing a great job!

Anonymous said...

So fun to meet Katelyn and spend time with everyone last night! Baby Katelyn, plate lunch, family laughing,... what a perfect combination!

auntie Beth

Alli said...

Thanks for taking the time to write about your first days! I was a huge fan of the nipple shield, if not for that great little invention I would of had to quit breast feeding. I got so good at putting it on that I could do it in public!! And... you're not just bragging, she is really a beautiful baby... Dave and I can't wait to meet her and see you and Kyle.