It's hard to believe how fast time seems to fly by. I'm not sure if it's because all the days and nights run together and you become delirious, or that when you have a baby time seems to not hold the same importance that it used to. My Mom left yesterday after staying with us for the last 12 days. It was so amazing having her here. I wouldn't have traded that time for the world. She helped me adjust to life as a mom in the midst of my hives, and recovering from a c-section. It was really sad to see her go and I'm already grateful for the videocam on my Apple so that I can talk to her all the time. Katelyn woke up this afternoon and Mom was able to see her awake, which was great for her. My first night without my mom here went well. Katelyn was up from 11p.m. to 1a.m., but then she fell asleep till 4. This was great because she usually wakes up between 2 and 4 in the morning. Then Katelyn and I spent today hanging out and sleeping.
Yesterday was Kyle's Papa's 80th birthday, so we spend the afternoon and evening at the beach house for the celebration. It was nice to have a break as the great grandmas, grandma and grandpa and Auntie Leah fought over who got to cuddle with Katelyn. I know I probably should've used the time to sneak in a nap, but with all the people around I found my adrenaline kicked in and wasn't able to sleep. Of course, I was exhausted by the time we left. I still feel like when I overdo it and I'm out for too many hours I'm really tired the next day and tend to sleep every time that Katelyn sleeps.
My Dad and Siobhan arrive tomorrow and will be visiting till July 15. Then my brother comes in on July 3 and he's here till the 10th. I can't wait for them to meet Katelyn. They are going to fall head over heals in love with her and I know she will wrap them around her little finger. She is such a wonderful baby, and it's such a priviledge to know that God gave her to Kyle and I. I find it still difficult to put into words my love and devotion to her and how my love for Kyle has strengthened through all of this. My favorite time of the day is when Kyle comes out to the living room to hold Katelyn and spend time with both of his girls. Katelyn just watches Kyle! I can't wait till she can talk and she starts telling him all about her day. I think he will have met his match at that point.
Well, this is not the most attractive of me but Kyle took these of Katelyn and I napping today. We fell asleep this afternoon and Kyle said we were so fast asleep that I didn't even notice the camera going off.