Thursday, September 11, 2008

I love my job....

Meygan took this great picture of Katelyn and I while we were in Big Bear. I don't have many pictures of Katelyn and I since I'm usually the one behind the lens, so it was great to have another photographer around. I can't wait till Katelyn is smiling all the time and posing for pictures. She's such a cutie!

Today Katelyn and I went to have lunch over at the school and visit with the students and teachers. While I love being a full time mom to Katelyn I do miss seeing everyone everyday. My students were so excited to see the baby and they agree that she's adorable. All the students have blossomed over the summer and I'm so amazed at the maturity and the changes that I see. Just like Katelyn they have all grown and changed so much and I'm reminded once again how fast time flies and how I need to remember to enjoy every moment with her. I hope she always loves her time with her mommy. I love her so much and feel so privileged to have the opportunity to stay home with her. I love my new job as a mommy!


Meygan said...

and you are doing a great job being a mommy