Thursday, June 17, 2010

Katelyn's 2 Year Wellness Visit

This morning we headed over to the pediatrician for Katelyn's 2 year wellness visit. Now that she's getting older and has witnesses Brayden getting so many shots lately, I had to explain to her that we were going for a check up and that she was going to have to get a shot or two. She didn't seem fazed. She just wanted to see their fish tank and say hi to Nemo and Dori. How she remembered that they had a fish tank with Nemo and Dori still amazes me.

Weight: 27.6lbs (60th percentile)
Height: 35inches  (88th percentile)

*Can climb in and out of her car seat all by herself
*Can almost buckle herself into her car seat
*Is passionate about dinosaurs, trains, Nemo, Ratatouille, and her new backpack
* Loves to play peek a boo and "get you" with her baby brother
*Loves playing in the sprinkler in the backyard
*Is talking in full sentences. Many are 4-6 words long. 
* Loves to pick out her own clothes. She then has to twirl in front of the mirror and show her daddy the outfit she picked out
*enjoys her bike rides with daddy every night
*enjoys helping mommy clean - good thing because Mommy doesn't like to clean

It's hard to believe how fast time goes by. I've already started planning Brayden's 1st birthday party!