Wednesday, May 7, 2008

An Update on Julie

Many of you have been asking me about my friend Julie and so I wanted to provide you with an update. Julie is now almost 21 weeks pregnant and her little baby boy is still alive and kicking inside of her...literally. Here's a snapshot of her recent blog entry.

"Its hard to believe this whole story already began over a month ago. Our baby just keeps holding on. Last night I was laying in bed flipping through some pictures on our digital camera and Tim was laying next to me, leaning over to see. Suddenly, I felt Will start to roll around a little and so I put my hand on my stomach. Then he kicked so hard, my hand actually moved. I screamed out of sheer shock and nearly knocked Tim in the face with the camera as both my hands flew up. Then I couldn't stop laughing. Tim couldn't possibly see what was so funny. Of course, this just made it even more hysterical to baby was alive and feisty! I cherish each and every movement, not knowing how long I will be blessed with him. But we pray every day that he continues to be our miracle baby."

I cannot even begin to thank you all for your prayers during this difficult and confusing time for Julie and her husband Tim. They recently named their baby boy William James, Will for his will to live and James is Tim's middle name. I can't think of a more perfect name for this precious little baby growing inside of her. Everyday I continue to believe in a miracle for her and feel so honored to be included in her journey. While each and everyday is still a waiting game for them, if the baby continues to grow and develop, they could give birth to a healthy baby boy, and what a miraculous story that would be. I know I've said this before, but I truly believe that God has his hand on William, Julie and Tim and he's going to use this story to win others to him, in a time when most people don't believe in miracles anymore. Let me tell you, miracles were not saved for Biblical times, they are still very present today, and if you are lucky enough to witness one or receive one.... well, what could be better.

Please continue to keep Julie, Tim and baby Will in your prayers. Pray a hedge of protection around them, and a continue peace that God's hand is on this entire situation, and while we may not understand right now why it's happening, it's all for his purpose and his glory. Julie, Tim, we love you both and will continue to fervently pray for you.

Julie just started a blog, please visit her blog to stay updated on how she's doing.