Last night Kyle and I went to Olivia the bands farewells show. This is a band that Kyle and I have known for 3 years and that Kyle managed for more than a year. They put on a great show, and the crowd was filled with loyal fans who have loved them for years and will miss them dearly when they leave. At one point in the show several of the kids began crowd surfing. Now I have always found this to be an interesting activity and one that strikes me as an easy way to get hurt. Imagine going home from a concert and explaining to your parents that you think you broke your leg jumping off a 9 feet stage into a group of strangers hoping that they would catch you. I'm especially amused by crowd surfers who begin with a running start before jumping off the stage. So.... last night, I'm watching these kids jump off the stage into the crowd, who is barely absorbing the fall, when I see this teenage boy take a 10 feet running start toward the crowd. As he leaves the stage I watch as he pulls his legs up to his chest as if he's going to do a cannon ball into a swimming pool. I watch in horror/amusement as the crowd parted and watched him fall to the ground. Needless to say, he had to be carried out with help. Kyle and I laughed so hard, I was in tears. Who does that?!! To add to my amusement, the lead singer, Reed, at the end of the song said to the crowd, "be careful crowd surfing, make sure there's someone to fall on!" It was hilarous!
Olivia the Band is a great band and if you haven't hear them, click on my blog title and it will link you to their website. Let me know what you think. This band will be soarly missed. And to the band all I have to say is, "See you March 15!"
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