Monday, May 31, 2010

While I was away...

Kyle's mom came and stayed with the kids for 4 of the days, then one day the Great Grandparents came and then the last day a good family friend came to watch the kids. I'm so grateful to the family and friends network we have that sacrificed their time to come and take care of my little ones while I was gone. Katelyn had so much fun with their Gigi, Great Grandpa and Grandma Circle and Auntie Janell. 

Katelyn made cookies with Grandma Circle just in time for mommies arrival home. YUM!!

Here's what I arrived home to. My little ones looks so much bigger. I know it's in my head, but when you don't see your kids for a few days they look so much different when you get home. Brayden learned how to hold his own bottle...
Katelyn's looking more and more like a toddler than ever! My how time flies. It's hard to believe she'll be 2 in just 2 weeks.