Wednesday, March 5, 2008

New Miracles

Last week our friends Casey and Meygan gave birth to their little baby girl, Kylie Rae. She is absolutely adorable and Kyle and I had the opportunity to visit them in this hospital. It was great because we are also delivering at Hoag Hospital with the same doctor that Casey and Meygan had. I can't even begin to describe how amazing it was to sit in the rocking chair cuddling a cooing 12 hour old baby, knowing that in 3 1/2 months it will be my baby girl I'm holding in that rocking chair. As I held Kylie in my arms and she began making soft newborn baby noises, my little one began kicking around in my belly and for a moment I felt as though they were communicating with each other. With how social Kyle and I are, it doesn't surprise me at all that our little one is already becoming a social butterfly, even in the womb.

This week I've noticed my belly really start to pop out. I know I've said this before, but the "basketball" belly that everyone talks about is finally becoming evident. I'm still thankful that I'm only gaining weight in my tummy, nowhere else... for now at least. Our little one is moving around a lot now, especially at night when I'm ready to sleep. But I love her little reminders that she's there. Two nights ago, Kyle and I were laying in bed and I felt her, not kick, but push her tiny foot against my belly. It popped my belly button right out awkwardly to the side. Kyle and I could literally feel her little foot pressed against my belly. All I could do was giggle in amazement at this miracle growing inside of me. 

Please be praying, I had to have my gestational diabetes blood test yesterday, and if it comes back positive I have to go on a controlled diet for the remainder of the pregnancy. They told me I would have to give up milk and sweets! Ok, that's not going to work for me since my favorite "treat" is ice cream and I can't live without milk. I'll keep you posted when I get the results. They said it should take 2-3 days and if it's positive the doctor will call me.

106 more days to go!