Ah it was so nice to getaway this past weekend and just relax with friends. We enjoyed cooking together, meal times, games, sea dooing, and having awesome conversations. Thanks to the Welches, Sherrills, Wakefields, and Brittany for coming and hanging out, we love you guys!! Friday we headed up to the cabin in Big Bear for some R&R. I'm always dumbfounded by the amount of stuff we need to cart around because we have Katelyn. It takes twice as long to pack the car now it seems, but so worth it because we love our little girl. One thing we didn't anticipate because we haven't been there since Christmas is Katelyn's newfound fascination with climbing and stairs. What a combination. We did bring our baby gate, but it didn't fit across the stairs so we all spent the whole weekend keeping one eye on Katelyn. Of course, it was inevitable that at some point I would turn away for 5 seconds and she would brave the stairs herself. Problem is that they are big stairs and the drop is 1 1/2 feet if you miss the stair, which she did. I'm not going to lie, I completely panicked deep inside as I rushed to scoop her up off the floor. When she fell she hit her right shoulder and the right side of her face. Here's a picture of her little black and blue. Guess we'll be getting bigger gates for our next trip.