Thursday, July 31, 2008
Precious Moments
I took these shots of Katelyn and Kyle this morning. It's so much fun to watch them interact with one another, especially now that Katelyn is recognizing our voices and faces. Kyle is an amazing dad, and I had one one drop of doubt that he would be. He loves her and tells her how beautiful she is constantly during the day. She is her daddy's little girl!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Katelyn experienced her first California earthquake today. The epicenter was about 30 miles from us and the earthquake was a 5.8! So there I was sitting on our sofa, relaxing and feeding my baby girl when I began to feel the windows rattle. My first thought was that the teenagers living in our complex were bumping their music too loud again. Then I felt the earth start to roll. Since I was trained in earthquake disasters my natural inclination was to drop to the ground, cover my baby girl and protect the back of my neck. I'm sure I looked hilarious with the Breastfriend snapped around my waist, bend over trying to cover Katelyn when Kyle came running out to check on us. I immediately told him to stop running around the house during the earthquake and drop to the floor. He's crazy, but I'm glad he was quick to come check on Katelyn and I. The earthquake went on for what seemed like 30 seconds to 1 minute then stopped. I was able to resume feeding Katelyn, who is now fussing in her swing because no one is paying attention to her and she's tired. She hasn't quite figured out how to self soothe yet. Well, I'm off to get her.
Love K, K & A
Katelyn is starting to smile quite a bit and although we try really hard to get her to smile and say the word over and over again, I'm not sure that she knows that the word smile goes with the action she's doing. A couple days ago I was playing with Katelyn during her awake time and was trying to get her to smile so I could take pictures. This is a VERY difficult task to tackle on your own and many of my pictures didn't come out very well. Here are a couple of my attempts to get Katelyn to smile. Hopefully I'll be able to get some better smilie pictures soon!

Monday, July 28, 2008
Girls Friday Night Out
Last Friday night the girls decided to go out and kick up our heels while the husbands stayed home and watched the babies. We all met at one location so the men could hang out with each other while watching the little ones and the girls headed out to CPK for dinner. Dinner was delicious and filled with laughter and good conversation. Then it was off to Cahoots for a night of line dancing and two-stepping. Meygan and Patty hit the floor first and before long I was out there attempting to look like I knew what I was doing. Often times I felt that by the time I picked up the dance the song was over. It was so much fun and we all talked about going once a month so we can all become pros. Patty and Meygan area already pros, but Rachel, Jessica and I are hoping to catch on. It was great to have a girls night out. I had so much fun! Thanks for the memories girls!!
Kyle did amazing with Katelyn. He said she ate and slept and spent some time awake hanging out with the guys. The boys had fun with the baby girls - hopefully we can get them to watch them again so we can head to Cahoots for some more line dancing fun!
Kyle did amazing with Katelyn. He said she ate and slept and spent some time awake hanging out with the guys. The boys had fun with the baby girls - hopefully we can get them to watch them again so we can head to Cahoots for some more line dancing fun!

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Lunch with the Grandparents
Today Kyle and I had lunch with his parents after church at Mimi's Cafe, one of favorite places to go. I love that they serve breakfast all day... mostly because I could eat breakfast for any meal during the day. Katelyn loved visiting with her grandma and grandpa, and she behaved so well at the restaurant. Katelyn is starting to smile more and more these days (even thought I have yet to be lucky enough to catch it on camera) and so it was fun to watch Doug, Kyle's dad, joking around with her to get her to smile. I'm convinced that she has almost figured out that the word smile goes with the action as we repeat the word to her over and over every time she smiles. My favorite moments in my day are when she wakes up from a nap and smiles at me, or when she smiles and talks to me while I'm changing her diaper. Katelyn was so worn out from lunch that the moment I pulled her out of the car when we got home, she passed out on my shoulder. She's napping in her crib, which is nice because it's giving Kyle and I some good quality time to hang out. Lunch was delicious, thanks Grandma and Grandpa .... see you soon!
Our Little Rocker!!
Earlier this week Kyle and I took Katelyn to see Bidwell play in Palm Springs. Other than the fact that when we got there at 7pm it was 100 degrees and when we left there at 11pm it was 100 degrees, it was fun to see the band and hear them play. After having our ear plug idea for Katelyn malfunction, she and I hung out outside the small venue with Gemma, the lead singer of Bidwell's wife. It was plenty loud so we were able to hear the concert pretty well from out there. When they started playing, Katelyn was initially startled and when we looked down at her she had made a "rock on" sign with her little hands. It was totally adorable. I'm convinced she's going to be our little rock star.
Poor Katelyn, she was so hot that by the end of the night, all she had on was her onesie!! It took us all a couple minutes to cool off when we got back in the car to head home.
Poor Katelyn, she was so hot that by the end of the night, all she had on was her onesie!! It took us all a couple minutes to cool off when we got back in the car to head home.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Check out my new boots!
My friend Stephanie just found out that she is having a baby girl. She is so excited because she already has a little boy. Naturally, we had something to celebrate during our weekly outing. We headed for the Spectrum to shop at Carter's, since they are having a sale. They are actually always having a sale, but it's fun to say it as an excuse to do some shopping. Stephanie bought Katelyn her first baby outfit when I found out I was having a girl and so I wanted to do the same for her. While we were there I found the cutest pink booties for Katelyn. We're taking a trip to Boston in November so these will work perfectly to keep her little toesies warm. Doesn't she look cute?!!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008
Happy Birthday Casey Caston!
Last night Kyle, Katelyn and I headed over to our friends Casey and Meygan's house to help Casey celebrate his 29th birthday. It was so much fun to get out of the house and spend time with couples we had met at Meygan's party before Katelyn was born. There were 5 couples and 3 babies: Ella, 4 months; Kylie, 5 months, and Katelyn, 5 weeks. We feel so blessed to have been welcomed into a wonderful circle of people, and really enjoy spending time with all of them. In fact, I got invited to go line dancing with the girls on Friday night, and the boys are getting together to hang and watch the babies. It's going to be so much fun. Thanks for the invite Casey and Meygan.
Love, Kyle, Alissa & Katelyn
P.S Meygan - Katelyn slept 2 4 hour shifts last night, even with all the chocolate I ate, and she is in her crib for the 2nd time today. Oh Yeah Baby!!! She slept 3 1/2 hours in there this morning and just went down for a 2nd nap.
The boys showing showing us how to have a good time.
The girls - showing off our silly side.
Kyle and Katelyn spending some time bonding after Kyle gave her a bottle.

Love, Kyle, Alissa & Katelyn
P.S Meygan - Katelyn slept 2 4 hour shifts last night, even with all the chocolate I ate, and she is in her crib for the 2nd time today. Oh Yeah Baby!!! She slept 3 1/2 hours in there this morning and just went down for a 2nd nap.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Date Night Friday Night
For the first time since our precious little Katelyn was born, Kyle and I had a date night. While I felt anxious a couple days prior to the big night, I found myself at peace about leaving our little one. Worst case scenario we'd have to leave and come get her. Where did we go you might ask. We went to a baseball game. Every season I always try to go to at least 2 games. I like to watch the Red Sox play the Angels and the Yankees play the Angels. Friday night the Red Sox were in town and I really wanted to go to the game. I guess you know you're a fan when you will leave your 4 1/2 week old baby with grandma, crossing your fingers she'll take the bottle of pumped milk, so you can watch a baseball game.
We dropped Katelyn off around 6 p.m. with Grandma and Grandpa Circle and headed to meet up with our good friends AJ and Elaina for the game. Since we have four tickets, it gives us a great opportunity to connect with good friends we don't always get to see. It was great to catch up with them and hear all about what's going on in their lives. They are a wonderful couple and we're always excited to see them. The game on the other hand wasn't so exciting (for the Red Sox anyway). After starting out the game with a close score, the Red Sox lost their momentum and the Angels brought in run after run. In the end the Red Sox lost the game 11-3!!!! Talk about a loss! I have to say they didn't do much better yesterday. They started off ahead 2-0 then in the 7th gave up 4 runs and never regained the lead. Maybe I have bad ju-ju, as they've lost both games I've watched!! *lol*
Katelyn did awesome with Grandma and Auntie Leah. She took her bottle, slept, and even spent some awake time hanging out. I was so proud of myself, I only texted Leah 1 time to find out how she was doing. Now that we know she does so well, we'll have to leave her more often so we can have date nights. I really want to see Dark Knight, so it might be our next excuse to spend some time alone.
Here are some pictures from the game.
Our friends AJ and Elaina, who pastor a church in Long Beach, called Origins. It's an amazing church, and if you are in the area or looking for something new, you should check this church out.
The Sox went through 5 pitchers during the game, so we saw this mound "pow wow" a lot during the game.
Kyle and I enjoying a night out on the town. We missed you Katelyn!!
We dropped Katelyn off around 6 p.m. with Grandma and Grandpa Circle and headed to meet up with our good friends AJ and Elaina for the game. Since we have four tickets, it gives us a great opportunity to connect with good friends we don't always get to see. It was great to catch up with them and hear all about what's going on in their lives. They are a wonderful couple and we're always excited to see them. The game on the other hand wasn't so exciting (for the Red Sox anyway). After starting out the game with a close score, the Red Sox lost their momentum and the Angels brought in run after run. In the end the Red Sox lost the game 11-3!!!! Talk about a loss! I have to say they didn't do much better yesterday. They started off ahead 2-0 then in the 7th gave up 4 runs and never regained the lead. Maybe I have bad ju-ju, as they've lost both games I've watched!! *lol*
Katelyn did awesome with Grandma and Auntie Leah. She took her bottle, slept, and even spent some awake time hanging out. I was so proud of myself, I only texted Leah 1 time to find out how she was doing. Now that we know she does so well, we'll have to leave her more often so we can have date nights. I really want to see Dark Knight, so it might be our next excuse to spend some time alone.
Here are some pictures from the game.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Please Pray
Many of you have read about my friend Julie and her baby boy William James. Baby Will was born on July 17, and it's with a heavy heart and tears of sorrow that I share Julie's most recent post with you all. Please keep her and Tim in your prayers as they heal and grieve the passing of their baby boy.
SUNDAY, JULY 20, 2008
Sweet William...
Tonight, around 6:00 p.m., Tim & I held our son as he took his last breath and passed away.
He was peaceful and we feel blessed that we were able to hold him & comfort him without all the monitors and wires in the NICU.
We are grateful for all the nurses, doctors, and other hospital staff that cried with us as we said good-bye to our precious baby. We will post more information and pictures once we are back home on Sunday.
In lieu of flowers, we will be setting up a fund through our local bank, to be used towards medical and funeral expenses.
Thank you to everyone who fought the fight with us & Will...we love you and are grateful for your continued prayers.
SUNDAY, JULY 20, 2008
Sweet William...
Tonight, around 6:00 p.m., Tim & I held our son as he took his last breath and passed away.
He was peaceful and we feel blessed that we were able to hold him & comfort him without all the monitors and wires in the NICU.
We are grateful for all the nurses, doctors, and other hospital staff that cried with us as we said good-bye to our precious baby. We will post more information and pictures once we are back home on Sunday.
In lieu of flowers, we will be setting up a fund through our local bank, to be used towards medical and funeral expenses.
Thank you to everyone who fought the fight with us & Will...we love you and are grateful for your continued prayers.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Kyle's feeding Katelyn
Last night at 2:30 I was still up with Katelyn helping her cope with a gassy tummy. I decided to try out my new breast pump. I have to preface by saying I love the Madela breast pump; it's worth every penny. Anyway, I pumped 4 oz. of milk as I'm trying to get Katelyn used to a bottle, so if we're going somewhere I can feed her with a bottle rather than nursing. That and Kyle and I got tickets to the Red Sox/Angels game Friday night and I really want to go. Kyle decided to feed her today to help her get used to the bottle and.... she took it!!! YEAH!!! That means that I can pump and leave Grandma 2 bottles and Kyle and I can have a date night. Our first one since our little tyke was born. WOOPIE!!!
New Calling...
I'm sure that by now some of you have heard the rumor, or have spoken to Kyle and I about my future at AVCS. While I love teaching and feel that it's innately woven into my very being, after much prayer, Kyle and I decided that I would stay at home with Katelyn. In the back of my mind I've always wondered if it would be a possibility, but living in Southern California and with the increase of gas and groceries, etc., I didn't think it would be a possibility. But God is much greater than Kyle and I and he has blessed Kyle's business so greatly that we are able to live on one income. So, with that said, on July 1, I handed in my resignation to AVCS and will not be teaching 5th grade next year. This was an extremely difficult decision for me as I was torn between this surprising and overwhelming love for Katelyn, and my love for my students. I truly believe that God has called me to be a teacher, but I also feel that at this time in my life He has called me to teach my daughter about Him and all the other wonderful things life has to offer.
To all the teachers and staff at AVCS, I love you all and I will NOT be a stranger. Katelyn and I will be visiting often. It has been an honor to work with all of you and hopefully in the future we will work together again. God is good!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Katelyn is 1 month old!
It's hard to believe how fast time goes by and our little one is already 1 month old. She is so amazing and I'm enjoying every minute of her cuddles, and I'm quickly getting used to her late night and early morning feedings. We feel so blessed by her amazing personality, her strength, and all the cute noises and faces she makes. Kyle and I joke that we are learning to meet her needs based on what noises and sounds and gestures she makes, not just her cries. When she's gassy she makes little cranky noises and pumps her legs, when she's hungry she'll peck her head against your shoulder or chest, like a wood pecker, and when she wants to cuddle she'll try and worm crawl or roll toward you. It's pretty phenomenal. I still let her sleep with us at night, but I resigned to the fact that when you're tired, you do whatever will allow you a little bit of sleep. My goal is to get her in her crib at night in the next couple of weeks.
Our lives have been jam packed lately, which is why I haven't blogged in almost a week! We have hung out with Grandpa and Siobhan, gone to a 4th of July BBQ and a second party at the beach, gone to the mall, taken trips in the car, gone the mall again, and had two back to back parties at the beach house this weekend. Brendan and Leah's graduation party on Saturday and then a family bbq on Sunday. She has been loved and cuddled by so many. She is a little spoiled and very cared for. It's also given Kyle and I a break to socialize and not have a little one attached to us. Although, I would be tempted to argue that mostly she's attached to me, but that's the wonderful part about breast feeding. It's been so wonderful to be surrounded by so much family to watch her grow and share in the same joys that we're experiencing.
Kyle and I have been trying to remember to take tons of pictures of Katelyn as it feels like she looks bigger and different every day. Today my friend Stephanie and I took our little ones to get their pictures taken. Katelyn got her 1 month old pictures, and Jaden got his 1 year old pictures. Apart from having 2 crying, hungry babies towards the end of the photo shoot, it was fun to get out of the house. Jaden is getting so big, I remember when he was born last June, now he's 1 and his Mama is 3 months pregnant with their second. It's great because our children will be so close in age. I don't get the picture I chose back till July 25, but I'll scan it and post it online for everyone to see. In the meantime here are some more recent photos of Katelyn.
Our lives have been jam packed lately, which is why I haven't blogged in almost a week! We have hung out with Grandpa and Siobhan, gone to a 4th of July BBQ and a second party at the beach, gone to the mall, taken trips in the car, gone the mall again, and had two back to back parties at the beach house this weekend. Brendan and Leah's graduation party on Saturday and then a family bbq on Sunday. She has been loved and cuddled by so many. She is a little spoiled and very cared for. It's also given Kyle and I a break to socialize and not have a little one attached to us. Although, I would be tempted to argue that mostly she's attached to me, but that's the wonderful part about breast feeding. It's been so wonderful to be surrounded by so much family to watch her grow and share in the same joys that we're experiencing.
Kyle and I have been trying to remember to take tons of pictures of Katelyn as it feels like she looks bigger and different every day. Today my friend Stephanie and I took our little ones to get their pictures taken. Katelyn got her 1 month old pictures, and Jaden got his 1 year old pictures. Apart from having 2 crying, hungry babies towards the end of the photo shoot, it was fun to get out of the house. Jaden is getting so big, I remember when he was born last June, now he's 1 and his Mama is 3 months pregnant with their second. It's great because our children will be so close in age. I don't get the picture I chose back till July 25, but I'll scan it and post it online for everyone to see. In the meantime here are some more recent photos of Katelyn.
This is a cute little outfit that my brother Josh bought Katelyn. He got it at Old Navy. She looked so adorable in it that I gave her a bath and we had a little photo shoot of our own.

I know you can tell I look exhausted in this picture, but we took my Dad and Siobhan to Opah and we hadn't been back since our 3 year anniversary, the night we conceived Katelyn. So, of course, we had to take a family picture. She got so many compliments from people at the restaurant!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
A day with the family
My Dad and Siobhan arrived on July 1st and my brother Josh arrived on July 3rd and we've been having lots of fun spending time with them. It's so much fun to watch my Dad interact with Katelyn. He is truly enjoying being a Grandpa. Katelyn, being the cuddler that she is, loves spending time with her Grandpa. Josh is also great with Katelyn. The other night, while I was getting dinner ready with Dad, he held her, and she didn't even fuss when she got the hiccups. She is truly loved by all those around her. It's going to be sad when my family leaves. In the midst of having family here I'm trying to make sure that I'm getting the sleep that I need. Some days I feel like a zombie!
Today Doug and Jan invited my Dad, Siobhan, Josh, Kyle, Katelyn and I over for a bbq. It was beautiful down at the beach today! Kyle and I felt that it was a wonderful, relaxing day that we both needed, especially since I was up with Katelyn till 3:30 last night. I'm not sure why some nights she sleeps on a 3 hour schedule and then other nights she really struggles to fall asleep. Thankfully, she ate and now she's sleeping; giving me some time to relax and spend time with Kyle. We are watching one of our favorite shows, Flipping Out, on TLC. Amazing!!!!! If you haven't seen it, you need to.
Ok, so I'm a little tired and I realize that this post might not make much sense and tomorrow when I go back and read it, it might need some editing. If so, I apologize to those of you who read this and it seems to bounce all over the place.
I haven't been taking as many pictures as I'd like to and it's been several days since I've posted new pictures of our beautiful baby girl. I took lot's of pictures today to share with all of you.
Katelyn spending time with her Uncle Josh. He is so good with her, she just slept in his arms.
Katelyn took a 2 1/2 hour nap in her swing today. YEAH! It was a nice break for me and allowed me to shower and get ready for the day.
Katelyn and her Grandma Circle.
Katelyn and her Uncle Brendan, Kyle's brother. He just graduated from Princeton University on June 3 and it enjoying his first summer off before he begins working at Pimco in August.
I took several pictures of Grandpa, Brendan, Kyle and Katelyn, but this one is my favorite. They are all doting on her, and of course, she is enjoying every minute of it. I feel that this picture truly captures how much Katelyn is loved.
Today Doug and Jan invited my Dad, Siobhan, Josh, Kyle, Katelyn and I over for a bbq. It was beautiful down at the beach today! Kyle and I felt that it was a wonderful, relaxing day that we both needed, especially since I was up with Katelyn till 3:30 last night. I'm not sure why some nights she sleeps on a 3 hour schedule and then other nights she really struggles to fall asleep. Thankfully, she ate and now she's sleeping; giving me some time to relax and spend time with Kyle. We are watching one of our favorite shows, Flipping Out, on TLC. Amazing!!!!! If you haven't seen it, you need to.
Ok, so I'm a little tired and I realize that this post might not make much sense and tomorrow when I go back and read it, it might need some editing. If so, I apologize to those of you who read this and it seems to bounce all over the place.
I haven't been taking as many pictures as I'd like to and it's been several days since I've posted new pictures of our beautiful baby girl. I took lot's of pictures today to share with all of you.
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